- The universal place of curious creativity -


Curiosity is the key to discovery.Throughout my entire life, I've always had a passion for creativity. It's what makes for the many things we see in our world.I started my creative journey not really having an idea of where the path was taking me. From watching YouTube, I was inspired to want to create, but didn't know what exactly. I had ideas, but didn't feel solid.I figured working up to YouTube was necessary, so Vine would be a good starting place. The ideas were coming here and there, left and right, but there weren't any ways to bring them to life, so I had to improvise.In my junior year of high school, I took video editing class. From there, what I first thought was something I could do for jokes, later became a potential avenue for much more.I was doing Let's plays, posting music, and drawing, but a lot of my efforts were passive. Like before, they didn't feel like they stuck. Then it clicked.Of many different varieties of art, Animation (more specifically, Traditional Frame-by-Frame) seemed to be the clearest to me. I've alluded to it many times in my life, but never started.In 2016, I went to Germanna Community College to take Animation, discovered there was much more to what I saw on the surface, and found a deeper appreciation in the craft. Since then, I've learned about what goes into learning the techniques, but didn't apply much of what I learned onto paper. It wasn't until 2020 when I was guided by Animator, YellowK9, towards making what would be my first animation for a Multi-Animator Project on YouTube. It was then when I knew what I was getting myself into and didn't lose the love I have for animation.Animation wasn't the only thing I dabbled in, however. I learned to play music, but only knew how to play by ear until I learned a bit more about Music Theory, Modes, and Chords. Over time, I've used Alchemy by Camel Audio on my iPod Touch (4th gen) and Music Maker 2016 by Magix on my PC. Today, I use FL Studio as my main Digital Audio Workstation (DAW) to make my music. In the span of my years of making music, I've made some albums along the way, but they only left me with a desire to one up my last project.Back in my childhood, I used to watch DJs scratch and make very intricate and complex routines. It wasn't until 2019 when I was offered the opportunity to learn how by DJ Midnight. I worked with him to practice and execute the transitions as surgical as possible, and years later, all of those lessons had a big payoff when I DJ'd for the first time at Fur The More 2023 in Virginia.There are plenty of other areas I have explored as well, such as comics, streaming, digital art, pixel art, and improv.There are many things to appreciate and value when it comes to creativity. It's pretty much what makes and shapes everything we see, hear, and feel. At the end of the day, it all comes down to perspective. Everything we behold curates and molds our personality in ways where every idea is unique in its own special way. How we interpret such things in life can often be expressed through audio and/or visual. That being said, now I ask you...

How do you perceive?

- Artwork by SkyBlueArts -

Hoshi C.L. Kaynyne

- She/Her -

Hoshi Canis Lupus Kaynyne is a Cornerian Trans Female Gray Wolf, born and raised in Corneria City.Growing up, she dreamed of exploring parts of the galaxy, more specifically SS-3, aka Earth, curious to find life similar to her homeworld. She also looked up to the Starfox team, led by Fox McCloud.Since birth, she wasn't alone, as her guardian wolf spirit entity, Okami, resided within her. She is objective, detail-critical, keen, and protective. While she wishes to bring forth no harm, she has no issues getting her hands dirty against those who contest her tolerance for ill behavior. This is especially the case if any malice is directed towards Hoshi as she has witnessed all of her torment over the years.In public, Hoshi would be bullied, outcast, and vilified by citizens for being the offspring of Corneria's bounty and traitor, Wolf O'Donnell. She never desired to be anything like him and works hard to clear her name of all the wrongful allegations that was set by her father.During her childhood, she befriended the mysterious black cat, Jinx Karma Felis, after rescuing them from being harassed. Together, both were curious about the paranormal and would safely investigate and research information. Forming a pact to keep each other in good spirits, both wear black and white chokers as a symbolic ying-yang between the living and the dead.In her mid teenage years, Hoshi joined vigilante hacking crew, Watch Dogs, fighting for fairness, equality, and privacy. She learned skills and techniques to work around codes and programming, granting her the ability to access technology to her advantage at no cost nor dismay to others. Later after a few members joined, trouble began to lurk around every corner. Feeling uneasy by this, Hoshi makes the careful decision to part from the crew. Fortunately for her, but not Watch Dogs, she left just before other hacking crews began to attack.After leaving the crew, she hid from the public by concealing her identity, utilizing her profiler to identify others first before they encountered her face to face. One day, she stumbled across Phantom "Decoy" Protogen, who would later become very much like a strong bonded sibling to her in the near future. Being unable to get a read on Decoy, Hoshi would hide from them until she could figure them out by any indirect means. Later, she was cornered by a few people, discovering and bashing her, until Decoy stepped in to break up the conflict. It was then she trusted Decoy when she came to the realization they meant only wellness, and after learning about her, wanted to help make life easier on herself and be there for her in times of distress.Few years later, she joined the Cornerian Defense Force (CDF) to be enlisted as an Explorer in the Research Division, directed by Beltino Toad, alongside Decoy. Over the years in honor of her mother, Shiro Kaynyne, she worked hard, was determined, and showed so much discipline and dedication to her excelling efforts, that the CDF recognized her commitment and ranked her (and Decoy) as Wild Cards within the force.

Phantom "Decoy" Protogen

- They/Them -

Phantom "Decoy" Protogen is a non-binary protogen, created by Deep Space BioTech (DSBT) and raised in Corneria.Upon establishing a facility within Corneria City, DSBT created Phantom, amongst many other protogens, to be introduced to the citizens of Corneria. Initially, society feared the species being introduced to the environment, but gradually over time, they were being accepted into everyday life as living citizens, but had to comply with a law indicating they are a separate, artificial species due to their cybernetic attributes.Phantom didn't believe this was fair. In fact, they associated their parts similarly to prosthetics and made it known that they're more of a living, conscious, sentient being than their bionic parts. They later proceeded to come to the conclusion that they felt like they don't exactly align with the idea of being male or female, but more rather down the middle as a non-binary individual.Eventually, they would cross paths with Hoshi Kaynyne. Unbeknownst to both of them, their friendship will soon show a light for each other and bring them close together as team in the Cornerian Defense Force (CDF).At the time of the first encounter, Hoshi was fresh from parting ways from her former hacking crew, Watch Dogs. Scared of society and utilizing her tech to her advantage, she attempts to profile Phantom. Unfortunately, she couldn't get a good read as Phantom deeply encrypted pathways to read them. Scared of the unknown, Hoshi flees from Phantom, asking for them to "let [her] suffer [her] regrets alone."Every passing day, both of them kept trying to pry for information out of each other, despite the many times Phantom offer to get to know each other better rather than resorting to brute force, but Hoshi was adamant on keeping her distance, as she believed that it was "better this way". Phantom seeing the nature of Hoshi's behavior, they tell her that they're "not through with [her] yet".Eventually, Hoshi found herself at a conflict with a few hostile people who didn't see nor respect her for who she was. Jinx Karma Felis was on their way, but off at a far distance.At Hoshi's distress, Phantom steps in to ward off the discriminatory citizens attacking Hoshi. Once the dust settled and Phantom checks in with Hoshi, she asked them why they saved her, especially after how she treated them, to which they responded, "Like I told ya from earlier, 'I'm not through with you yet.' We got unfinished business."Hoshi learns to accept Phantom and Phantom makes a promise to help reshape Hoshi's life into something better of her own creation and discovery, and to be the one to remind her that there's peace in the past, but to never go alone in the dark without a torch. They vowed to be that torch to light the way to and from the darkness in hopes of finding clarity and tranquility in her life.After learning more about Phantom's background and how they came to be who they are now, Hoshi calls Phantom "Decoy", as she was lured to them one way or another by their unique behavior that could be misleading to those who don't get to know them for who they truly are. "It makes sense seeing how you could easily blend in with your kind, but be so diverse in your own way. I want to respect, honor, and appreciate that side of you, as that's what makes you stand out as an amazing independent individual. You are who you are, and it should be valued beyond the surface of your being." Phantom accepts the nickname with utmost gratitude knowing they've accomplished what they've set out to do for themselves.Decoy and Hoshi, alongside Jinx, soon after went to enlist as Explorers at Cornerian Defense Force (CDF), and later becomes the Wild Cards today in the force, searching for answers and uncovering mysteries together as one tight-bonded team of stealth and surgical precision.

Just an empty void.

Seems like this isn't ready yet. Consider coming back later, yeah?

There is another way...

You can follow me on BlueSky for updates on the site, as well as plenty of other things. Up to you.

Test. Everyone able to see this?

All clear.



Awesome. Looks like we got this going.

This is here so fellow explorers can see what's going on with us.

We can log here so they can keep up with the latest info.

What about the unwanted visitors?

Easy fix. I can revoke their kneecap bending privileges. (☞゚ヮ゚)☞

-_- None of that, Nes. Please...

ಠ ೧ ಠ

It may be in our best interests to encrypt the logs so only the explorers can see.

Good idea.

On it. It'll take some time.


Ahhh~, I'm excited!

Hey, Doctor Green and Blue Screen.

Oh heck, that actually rhymes. XD

*sigh* You needed us for something?

Yeah. I was curious if both of you would stop by my spot to maybe spin some songs, maybe make a setlist if interested?

I live with you, ya derp. Of course! XD

I know. You're doing dishes tonight. :3


I don't know.

If you prefer, we could just curate a playlist together and I'll just mix the songs. Up to you.

Will this be available for everyone to listen?

Considerably with permission, of course.

Are you sure?

I fear others may find my taste to be somewhat... unsettling.

Pfft, I've heard your personal playlist before.

In fact, I think I have some of your music in here. I'll have to check...

Yeah, I got some songs here. Rezz, Isoxo, Bvssic...

You have Rezz in your library?

Oh yeah, several.


You have my curiosity. I suppose I could partake in this arrangement...

Sounds good. Drop by whenever you'd like, Felis Yang~ ^^

*chuckles* Very well, Lupus Yin~

(💧・ _・) Wait, wut?

You don't know what Yin Yang is, Decoy?

No, I know that, but "Felis Yang" and "Lupus Yin"?

(💧🫴 = ∇=)🫴 What the digit is that? This is morse code to me.

Come see me in my room. I'll explain the lingo to ya.


*sigh* I should really tidy up my logs...

Everything in here just... doesn't feel right anymore...

I need to start anew.

Reset the past... So I can breathe in the present.

And not have to worry about the future...

That's a different day.